Traces from the murder of Putin’s friend led to the St. Petersburg port

Опубликовано в СЮЖЕТ ДНЯ

Наш сайт provides its readers with a new piece of investigation materials about the murder of Mikhail Manevich, vice-governor of St. Petersburg, a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin. For 20 years no one has been brought to justice for this crime. Although almost everything was clear from the beginning. We do not make conclusions until now, suggesting that readers of themselves "play" with the investigators, from the mass of operative materials to add up a "puzzle" — to identify performers and "customers."

In the second part of the investigation we asked to pay attention to the employee of the North-Western Customs Igor Bondarenko. Testimony of witnesses and evidence, including the remains of gunpowder on clothes and microparticles from the attic, from where the fire was fired at Manevich, indicated that he was a participant in the crime. However, Bondarenko was simply taken out of business, condemning only for forgery of documents.

In the third part we ask to remember the version of the FSB that the murder is connected with the St. Petersburg seaport. Thus, the readers of will already have two parts of the "puzzle". And by the end of all publications, it will develop completely.

"In October 1997, the Federal Security Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region received information about the radio interception of a conversation that took place on August 12, 1997 at 15:26 hours, between subscribers — a man and a woman, the content of which indicates the possible involvement of the participant in the conversation men to commit murder MANEVICH. In the process of operative-search activities it was established that this conversation took place between KUKSOY Tatyana Sergeevna and her husband — KUKSOY Aleksey Yurievich in the zone that includes the territory of the crime scene.

As a result of additional operational-search measures, KUKSY A.Yu. residents of St. Petersburg KAMBAROV Viktor Vladislavovich, Alekseyev Pavel, Alexander Sidorov, Sergey Ivanovich Kryazhenkov, Vladimir Anatolyevich ALEKSEEV, Ilya Kolokoltsev, REKHALOV Eduard Viktorovich, SHELOPUGIN Ruslan Yuryevich, Yakovlev Yevgeny Borisovich and a number of other persons.

KUKSA and the listed persons, as follows from the received materials, form the stable armed criminal group engaged in robberies, robberies and apartment thefts. A number of members of this group are suspected of committing murders. Almost all members of the group use drugs.

Taking into account the information received, in order to establish the involvement of members of this group in the murder of Manevich MV and their exposure to criminal activities On January 27, 1998, 27 searches were carried out on the places of residence, residence and stay of members of a criminal group during which firearms, ammunition, explosives and narcotic drugs were found and seized.

On January 27, 1998, 8 members of the criminal group were detained in criminal case No. 86 in accordance with Article 122 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR on suspicion of committing various crimes.

Of these, 6 people were arrested on January 30, 1998 in criminal case No. 86 under Article 90 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR as suspects: KUKSA A.Yu. — in the commission of a crime provided for in Article 222 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; KAMBAROV V.V. — in the commission of crimes under Art. 222 part 1 and 228 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; YAKOVLEV E.B. — in committing a crime under Art. 228 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; SHELOPUGIN R.Yu. — in committing a crime under Art. 228 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; REKHALOV AV — in committing a crime under Art. 222 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; KRYAZHENKOV SI — in committing a crime under Art. 222 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

At the KUKSU, KAMBAROVA, SHELAPUGINA, YAKOVLEVA and REKHALOVA A. criminal cases were opened and highlighted.

In addition, two detainees — REKHALOV E.V. and SIDOROV AA, as well as KRYAZHENKOV, who was arrested earlier in the present criminal case, were arrested in other criminal cases.

According to materials received by Rucriminа, when working out the version about the involvement of the members of the criminal group in the commission of the terrorist act against MANEVICH, all the detainees received blood, hair, handwriting and fingerprints samples, and instruments were withdrawn. Taking into account the available materials, biological, handwriting and tracological examinations were conducted, interrogations were conducted to find out where these persons were between August 12 and August 18, 1998. In the process of working out the version, more than 20 serious crimes committed to members of a group of persons in the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, including robbery with the aim of stealing someone else’s property, committed with the use of violence dangerous to life and health, with illegal entry into the home ; street robberies; infliction of grievous bodily harm, apartment robbery. At the same time, it is established that the members of this criminal group are not involved in the commission of a terrorist act against MANEVICH.

The signal about a possible involvement in the murder of M. Manevich is also worked out. residents of Ulyanovsk. Thus, PAVLOVA NN was interrogated in the case as a witness. reported that on August 17, 1997, together with her in one compartment, two men left Moscow for St. Petersburg who, according to Pavlov, had an attitude towards the criminal world. With them, there were no things. Fellow travelers introduced themselves as residents of Ulyanovsk. As PAVLOVA understood, they went to St. Petersburg "to present someone a surprise."

In connection with the fact that these persons, in the opinion of the witness, could have been implicated in the murder of M. Maněvich, N. Pavlov. appealed to the Investigation Service and gave the testimony given.

Based on testimony PAVLOVOY N.N. Composite portraits of the above persons were compiled, and later these persons were established. This is MALAKHOV Vladimir Vladimirovich (born in 1965) and MATVEEV Vladimir Gennadievich (born in 1969), natives and residents of Ulyanovsk.

Taking into account the received data that they belong to one of the criminal gangs of Ulyanovsk, they have firearms, are aggressive characters, have connections in criminal circles of St. Petersburg, in the place of residence of Malakhov and Matveev, conducted searches, they obtained prints fingers, blood samples, hair and handwriting for comparative study. Also, persons who had Malakhov and Matveev residing in August 1997 in St. Petersburg were identified and questioned. As a result, it is established that they are not related to the murder of MANEVICH.

Verification of the nominated versions and signals is conducted in parallel with the investigation of a number of criminal cases against specific citizens falling under the signs of persons who committed the murder of MANEVICH.

Thus, the Central Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg was detained with forged documents Mengunov Eugene Borisovich, born in 1961, a native of the Kalmyk ASSR, resembling one of the composite portraits. It is established that MENGUNOV took part in hostilities in the territory of Yugoslavia and, according to available information, is on the wanted list for committing grave crimes there. Within the framework of the criminal case, MENGUNOV held a complex of measures to verify his possible involvement in the murder of M. Manevich.

The prosecutor’s office of the Central District of St. Petersburg was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder of two people and the committing of two explosions in the territory of St. Petersburg. Malenkov Alexei Rudolfovich, born in 1968, a native of Leningrad, who has a lot in common with one of the fotobots. During the investigation of the case, it was verified where Malenkov was on August 18, 1997.

Verification of the involvement in the murder of M. Manevich has been completed. a resident of St. Petersburg BESHMELNY VV, arrested for attempting to kill an operative charged with checking the circumstances of finding the BIRD in the Nevsky Prospekt area at the time of the murder of MANEVICH.

Circumstances that testify to the possible involvement of MENGUNOV, Malenkov and Bessmelny to commit a terrorist act against MANEVICH are not established.

Within the framework of the criminal case, which Rucriminа has materials for, the signals about the participation in the commission of the terrorist act by the inhabitants of the Leningrad region Igor Vorobyev, born in 1970, and the words of Viktor A. SAMSONOV, born in 1956, who reported their complicity in the murder MANEVICH. It is established that their testimony does not correspond to reality.

At the same time, the fact of the crime SAMSONOV VG was established. and a criminal case was instituted against him and separated into a separate proceeding under Part 1 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The signal about involvement in the commission of the terrorist act of the so-called "Chechen group" was also worked out. In the process of working off this signal, he was detained for committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, AMBROLADZE G.B. A criminal case has been instituted against him and a separate case has been set aside. In addition, two criminal cases were instituted and identified in connection with the commission of crimes under Part 1 of Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The work on the case is conducted in the direction of checking the following version blocks:

- the murder of M. Manevich. completely for political reasons;

- The murder was committed by "hiring" in connection with the victim’s official activities;

- The murder was committed by a person from among connections based on motives of a domestic or mercenary nature, as well as by a person prone to commit serious crimes;

- The murder was committed by mistake (error in the object).

The verification of these versions is conducted taking into account the identity of the victim.

MANEVICH Mikhail Vladislavovich, born in 1961, lived in a seven-room apartment at the address: ul. Rubinstein, house 15/17, kv ...., together with his wife (and for him and his wife this is the second marriage), adoptive son Artem, 198 ... year of birth, his wife’s parents: Vasilyeva Tatyana Lvovna and Vasiliev Vladimir Ivanovich. At this address the victim was not registered and was listed at: St. Petersburg, ul. Замшина, the house 50, кв ... .., at parents of the first wife.

In 1993, M.Manevich, M.V. was appointed to the post of chairman of the KUGI, replacing Belyaev SG. Since 1996 — Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg and Chairman of the KUGI. He was curator of the property fund, land committee, bankruptcy committee, housing committee, urban management.

Versions that the murder may have been committed for political reasons are based on an objectively developing situation in 1997 in which the opposition forces actively oppose the policy of reform, including extremist individuals who do not view privatization as such organically. In St. Petersburg, the process of privatization was identified with the personality of MANEVICH. At the same time, the national factor could play a certain role. In this case, the murder of MANEVICH could pursue the goal of disrupting the reform policies pursued in the region.

Versions of the second block that the murder was committed by "hiring" in connection with the victim’s official activities also have real grounds. Among the economic and privatization projects that MANEVICH dealt with were very conflict-related, involving large financial interests, and accordingly, there could be forces dissatisfied with the overall economic policy pursued by MANEVICH and his decisions on concrete objects of privatization.

In particular, the case on the murder of M. Manevich is still being processed. in connection with his policy with respect to the objects of the seaport. "

To be continued